Boz Scaggs - JoJo


Ano: 1980
Disco: Middle Man

Letra da Música:

Look out behind you
Jojo's got his gun
He wouldn't mean to but
You know he likes his fun

Jojo dig those spinning lights
Way out games and dizzy heights
Below him
Jojo dig those Broadway nights
And flashy lines
You know him

He got you covered
You'll know it right out front
Hey fifty dollars
He'll get you all you want

Ever so rarely that man in a million is born
Gentle and soft but who'd just as soon off you
For looking the wrong way as not
Go Jo

His baby stays high
Got to keep her sweet
He keeps her just right
Keeps her on the street

Say what do you think of gentlemen wearing mink?
Gentle and soft but who'd just as soon off you as not
Go Jo

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